Sunday, September 12, 2010

ImageMagick montage (creating picture collages)

Using Gimp  takes much time unless you are familiar with layers etc. Picasa 2 in ubuntu 9.04 does not give permission to customize the collage maker's options (like background color, positioning, gap etc.). So ImageMagick is a good choice to create collages.

An easy way of creating collages with ImageMagick:

montage *.jpg collage.jpg

or consider there are plenty of files in a directory named such as xy.jpg, xy1.jpg, xy2.jpg, xy3.jpg, ..., you can specify the filenames to be montaged (also border type and color, etc.) as:

# montage filesToBeMontaged -theBorderType # -theBorderColor # -theGapBetweenPictures +#+# resultantCollage
montage x{y,y1,y2,y3}.jpg -border 5 -bordercolor darkyellow -geometry +2+2 collage.jpg

Here are the other very useful examples.

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